Just Some Thoughts: Vol. 27

3 min readMar 29, 2024

Take care of yourself.

I was one foot in the concert and one foot out.

March was Marching
That’s it, another month gone by in the flash of an eye. March is a tough month for teachers because we’re really feeling the school year burn by the eighth month in. There were many days in March when I woke up and just didn’t want to get out of bed. I got sick twice because teenagers are just raw dogging life without masks, without staying home when they’re sick, and sneezing their way around campus.

I made sure to point the finger at many students (in jest) letting them know that they were the reason their dear, old teacher was under the weather. But, with March comes spring break, and it happened just in time. I tried to make the best of my spring break with lots of self care, even though I had a lingering cold the entire time.

I got my roots done, went to the chiropractor for a much needed adjustment, had a spa day with my bff that included a massage, as well as getting a pedicure. I also took care of some chores like getting my taxes done, cleaning up my place, and the usual shit that needs to be taken care of.

I can say that I’m ready to head back to work for the last two months of the year.

Madge and Worrying
A couple of weeks before spring break, my other bff and I went to see Madonna in concert. It was glorious! I was mostly on cloud nine the entire night. Why, you ask, were you mostly on cloud nine?

About 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave for the concert, my mom called me from the ER. She had taken my dad there because he was having a medical issue. Long story short, he was having double vision the entire week and the day he was supposed to go see the optometrist, he woke up with his right eyelid completely shut and sagging, and he was unable to move it without extreme effort.

The optometrist sent him to the ER immediately because there’s a history of brain aneurysms on my dad’s side of the family. An MRI, CT scan, bloodwork, and other tests showed no signs of a brain injury or tumor (thankfully), but one of the nerves in his eyelid is damaged (probably from stress) and his eye muscle is also not working, hence the double vision. The doctor said that it’s similar to Bell’s palsy, and he’s thinking it will heal in time.

So, while Madonna was performing and I was having fun, I was also worrying about my dad the entire time. He was released from the hospital around 4AM, a whole 12 hours after he had been admitted, which meant a very sleepless night for me, as well as my brother who I was stress texting back and forth with on my ride to the concert.

The good thing is that my dad is mostly okay and in good spirits.

Drum Beats
That’s all, the drumbeats in this song are what drives this jam forward.

